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File: 1662089967502.jpg–(146.13KB, 800x485, rfr-spsf-04.jpg)
R No.5691  [Reply]
Is SPSF the greatest failure in American Railroading? It can't still be right? Who has had a worse merger or attempt since them.
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¨ R No.5707  >>5729
>failed SP-SF merger
the pre-merger holding company stripped the SP quite effectively of everything but the railroad operating assets
¨ R No.5729  >>5769
Making them effectively, a railroad!
¨ R No.5769
Or more effectively a pre-merger partner for UP.

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R No.5742  [Reply]
What does /rail/ think of the Alaska to Alberta Railway? https://a2arail.com

The idea is to connect the Alaska Railroad to the contiguous United States via Canada https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Railroad#Proposed_connection_to_the_contigu

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¨ R No.5747
A pipe dream if you ask me. The idea seems to get floated around every few years. Feels almost like it's a pump-and-dump scheme. The ROI on such a massive investment I would assume take decades. And in todays business environment it seems to me that greedy investors want paybacks measured in months.
¨ R No.5753  >>5768
If it did exist, would you get on it?
¨ R No.5768
Hell yes! I think visiting Alaska from the Mainland via rail would be an incredible trip. What's not depicted is that you'd be going through the Canadian Rockies.

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R No.5750  [Reply]

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R No.5745  [Reply]  >>5746
¨ R No.5746
Makes me wonder if it was intentional

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R No.5724  [Reply]
¨ R No.5726  >>5727
¨ R No.5727
I'm not voting for it and I suspect a lot of other yardmaster won't because we're still shafted on PTO. We get less personal leave days than any other transportation employees for no reason. I also make less per hour than a brakeman.

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R No.5715  [Reply]  >>5719

TILDEN TWP., Pa. — The man accused of risking a catastrophe by tampering with railroad equipment in northern Berks County didn't act alone, the police said Wednesday.

Tilden Township investigators identified Amy Schaner as the woman who helped Ryan Boria. Both worked at fast-food restaurant on Route 61.

"While they were driving through here, she dropped him off. He exited the vehicle. He placed a shunt on the track. He got back in the car with her and they proceeded to Wendy's," said Ofc. Frank Cataldi, Tilden Township Police Department.

Police said they arrested Ryan Boria, 34, of Tilden Township, on charges of causing or risking a catastrophe, criminal mischief, and reckless endangerment after surveillance cameras captured images of him messing with the train tracks near the Industrial Drive crossing on the evening of Friday, Aug. 26.

"There was another person involved that worked with him at Wendy's by the name of Amy Schaner," Cataldi explained. "They discussed putting a shunt on the tracks on their way to work."

Why did they do it?

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¨ R No.5717
>Makeshift device
Literal jumper cables for your car will do it.
¨ R No.5719
>Police said Boria placed a makeshift device on the tracks that messed with the signal sensors, which meant the gates wouldn't have gone down when a train approached the crossing, and a crash could have happened.

"Their dispatch center would not have determined that the signal was being disrupted," explained Cataldi.

This is absolute bull shit. You can't shut the tracks and cause the gates to not work... its all fail safe. Unless he was in the hut there is nothing he could do outside that could cause the gates no not activate. I take that back you could disconnect the track circuit and if you know what your doing reconnect it... but most crossings use coded predictor circuits.>>5715

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R No.5709  [Reply]
JR West Shinkansen 500 V6 formation scrapped

Days are likely numbered for the units still in service

RIP to a legend
¨ R No.5712
They look so strange without their cowling.

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R No.5460  [Reply]  >>5699
So that's a museum when I heard a train coming when I came up to investigate the hog was swinging his arm holding something like he wanted me to catch it. Confused I obliged and this is what I got.
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¨ R No.5487
Our school cafeteria used to sell juice in those containers. So whoever made those is probably making the waters too.
¨ R No.5699  >>5708
As someone who worked in the industry for over 30 years. I've gotta say, this is one of the dumber obsessions I've seen. The company always cheaper out on that junk. Like you seriously want some garbage paper rag and some shitty water?

Also lol, wtf is that spot on the napkin? Looks like shit bro.
¨ R No.5708
Yeah I was wondering what that was on the napkin too which confused me since the package was pretty well sealed.

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R No.5481  [Reply]  >>5486
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¨ R No.5503
And the ambulance chasers are already lining up to file lawsuits for millions of which the plaintiff will get a pittance.
¨ R No.5545  >>5690
So has the locomotive footage been released yet?
¨ R No.5690
No, the FRA hasn't even released their investigation yet.

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R No.5562  [Reply]
Here's an old picture of a train I took while at the capital of my country, what's the thing on the back?
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¨ R No.5568  >>5587, >>5590
I take it that it's the half-cut-off thing at the right edge. If so, I would hazard my guess that it is a bookshop/newspaper stand.
¨ R No.5587
¨ R No.5590
Thats it

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