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R No.5886  [Reply]
4chan Dedem Türkiyede Niye Yasaklı
¨ R No.5889
Google diye bir şey var dostum git araştır.

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R No.5880  [Reply]

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R No.5837  [Reply]
It happened on the Rhaetian Railway's Albula line last month. A 100-car EMU wended its way from Preda to Alvaneu to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Swiss railroading.



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R No.5826  [Reply]
¨ R No.5830
Because leave crime thing to newsies?

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R No.5820  [Reply]
Went to see 611 today (November 11th) today 1chan :)
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.5823
It goes back and forth between Strasburg and Virginia Railroad Museum after it gets permission from AMTRAK. It's currently stuck as Strasburg for at least another week before going home
¨ R No.5824
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Pretty much, yeah. If they move it back to Roanoke, it's just going to be landlocked again with nowhere to run, and it's a real bitch to get it in and out of Roanoke at all. So, until they find somewhere else to run it (which I understand they ARE working on) it stays at Strasburg where it can at least run a 9 mile round trip now and then, even if that 9 mile trip is at barely a quarter of the speed 611 is capable of achieving.

Per a railfan I overheard on my 2019 photo charter there, it's like giving the Strasburg crews a Ferrari to play with, and telling them they have to keep it in 1st gear.
¨ R No.5828
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R No.5740  [Reply]  >>5777
Might be of some interest to some?

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.5781
I actually use this for foaming, research, and even work! My only complaint is how inconsistent the abandoned rails layer can be. But it gives pretty detailed info on existing rail infrastructure. They're populating the mainline data now with attributes like max speeds and signaling which I'd like to see more of.
¨ R No.5818  >>5819
did you know that the lines on horsehoe curve were traced, but not from google maps?

they were traced from train simulator, which was traced from google earth imagery.

or so the story goes
¨ R No.5819
I didn't know that but it makes sense. I only did local stuff, that I could verify or already knew. I didn't want to trace incorrect info.

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R No.5783  [Reply]
This is how the human race, or the world might end.

In an event of global thermonuclear war destroying a majority of the surface of the world, what remains of the human race will battle it out via armored trains. Think about it.

Everyone will live on the train. Society and the government will be entirely on a train. As you may know however, a train can launch missiles. This is one scenario ultimately of how the world or the human race could realistically end.

When I ran this scenario I realized how futuristic this "final war" of humanity could be as it would require or most likely involve strategic satellite images (for launching the nuke or other weapons) and other technology potentially. Many also live underground, as a majority of the surface world is contaminated with radiation, except inside the battle trains.

The battle trains can even transform into robots, and fly, or go underwater, but it depends on what kind of battle train it is. When I really thought about it, this is the only logical/rational development forward of trains.
¨ R No.5815
Do you have any mockups of the battle trains you can share?

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R No.5791  [Reply]
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.5800
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Here's both angles of the crash. Strasburg is out of their minds if they think they can keep these off the internet. That said, their statement on the accident was VERY well written (see picture).


The switch was indeed lined straight into the trackhoe, left that way by MOW crews. The steam engine crew likely didn't notice because A: they're usually waving to the people on the train during the runaround, and B: that switch has been closed the last 10,000 times they've done this.
¨ R No.5810  >>5811
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Look who's already back in action!
¨ R No.5811
Dammit, you beat me to it!

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R No.5786  [Reply]
Happy F40PH Friday, everyone!
¨ R No.5787  >>5788
1666990312961.gif–(332.22KB, 554x354, whatisf40ph.gif)

¨ R No.5788
Little known fact, Night at the Roxbury was meant to be developed into a film where the protagonists spent the weekend high on a train thinking they were in fact at the club.

Embed: What Railroad Defect Detectors Do–(YouTube)
R No.5767  [Reply]
How do you find and listen to defector detectors nearby? I live close to a railroad, what type of radio can I listen to? How do you find the frequency?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.5774
1665885198103.jpg–(45.16KB, 640x440, HBD_Bowmanville.jpg)
Yeah in 1986 I used to live in the small town of Cochrane about 5 miles west of this particular detector. I've hiked to it many times to watch it in operation up close. At night you could walk down to the tracks in town and look east and see the board light up from 5 miles away.

I found a pic of what they looked like. I forgot there were 5 other indicators, 3 on top and 2 below the display. I've completely forgotten what each one means but I think one was a status indicator that the detector was functioning properly, and another indicated dragging equipment?? I know a retired railroader from that era, i'll ask him about that.

I do know that the digits will flash at a 1 Hz rate indicating a hotbox. I recall seeing it happen one night from my vantage point 5 miles to the west and noting that i'd never seen that before. During the weekend visit to the model train club I asked my buddy about that and he said he heard there was a hotbox and the train stopped. A few years later buddy hired on at CP Rail Calgary RTC, he's still with them.

Found a site with a few Canadian examples: https://tracksidetreasure.blogspot.com/2009/10/hot-box-detectors.html

I swear someone made an HO scale model of one of these but using the segmented red LED's common back in the 80s.
¨ R No.5775  >>5776
Ugh.. I should have read that webpage more thoroughly. It describes what each indicator light on the display board represented.
¨ R No.5776
>Read the blog
>See the throwaway line about the mayor of Mississauga
>Born in 1921
>Mayor from 1978-2014
>She's still alive!

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