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R No.6371  [Reply]  >>6377, >>6378
Train anons, what do you think about this build? Is it missing anything? Can it be improved?
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¨ R No.6378
The current thing right now is the suffering of the LGBTQ+ community in Gaza. If Lego can’t work that into a train set they have no right to be in business in todays climate. Do better Lego. I also find the term “Oriental Express” to be offensive and racist.
¨ R No.6383
The side rods should be dark grey or black to emulate grime and match the undercarriage
I very much like that they included a second passenger car this time (cf. emerald night)
Interested to see how this engine does in corners
¨ R No.6408
Bought one the moment the Lego store opened today. I don't really care how good it is or isn't, it's a Train made by Lego that isn't one of their garbage City trains, it has my attention. There are already people modding it to be powered (Lego attempted this, but it didn't meet their performance requirements, so it isn't "officially" able to be powered) and if I don't like the locomotive, I'll just build something else with it.

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R No.6358  [Reply]
asking train autists since couldn't find my answer elsewhere. so how do trains turn? I get they have cone shaped wheels but I guess turns aren't 100% flat and have a small slope and different wheels have different "positions" at the same time, like how bus turns right? I mean do they have a "ill shaped" turn?
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¨ R No.6375
Actual high speed rolling stock has steerable axles (the axles can turn to better match the curvature of the track, within the bogie) but it's secret special sauce and we don't talk about it much because foamers are usians who call em "trucks"
¨ R No.6376  >>6381
If you actually care, look up the stress/strain relationship. It's something I don't think is widely taught.

You realize that the rail deforms a non-negligble amount as each TRUCK passes over it.
(Bogies are for golfers)
¨ R No.6381
might look into it once I finish midterms. on an unrelated note, did the post count reset when site went down?

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R No.4667  [Reply]  >>4989
is this real?
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¨ R No.5270
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¨ R No.5300
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It's always been this way though; here's a photo I took off the metrolink in 2020.

Sorry it's not of the epicenter of the garbage and also I have a Samsung.
¨ R No.6372
Seems to me the issue could be solved by a better placement of the containers. Instead of using a 40 foot container use two 20 foots and load them with the doors facing inwards. If you have to use a 40 foot container, a simple addition to the rail car that would mimic the cab protectors on flat bed trucks would provide a barrier to prevent the doors being opened even if the locks were cut.

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R No.6357  [Reply]
Will the ever so slow decline ever stop?

What ever new that gets built is a drop in the ocean compared to what is still being lost. In particular, there is hardy any new freight, no provisions for rail freight in the future. Definitely no new corridors. Just high speed pork more than anything else.
¨ R No.6363
Freight is in a fine position. It's just that it has become more efficient than it used to be. No need for a bunch of slow as hell short line railroads hauling crap small distances when a truck can do it just fine. The usual mainlines haul as much freight as ever. Again, it's already extremely efficient. No need for new corridors because we already figured out what the best ones are and which make most economical sense to keep using.

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R No.5985  [Reply]  >>5987
What you faghots know about riding Freight trains?
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¨ R No.6318

Looku up Brave Dave's Big Fat Freight Hop series on YouTube for a look at what it's like for inexperienced travellers. He travelled from Montreal to Vancouver and it's a great series.

Yeah you do need knowledge before hand and ideally you'd want to travel with someone who has done it before but you can still do it alone. Just educate yourself on things beforehand and be careful about your safety.
¨ R No.6347  >>6354
Where do you think the recording box is? I remember reading a post of a technician who got fired for covering up the cameras but wouldn't it be better to just disconnect the power from the camera box? No vandalism of course but if they expect to review the footage then it would have to be somewhere accessible, especially if it was rigged on. Might make DPU riding viable again
¨ R No.6354
That would trigger an anti-tampering alarm.

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R No.5859  [Reply]
or was this rape?
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¨ R No.6077

Lern to spel e
¨ R No.6322
NAS coal
¨ R No.6351
I wished the common man had enough put away money to be able to force their will by simply quitting/striking. Its sad to see the ones who labor is the most important be essentially a slave class. its either slave away for scraps, or dont and starve

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R No.5381  [Reply]
It is dark inside the boxcar so I decided to put in some lights.
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¨ R No.6336  >>6338
If you're not storing it on active rail and its presence isn't violating any local laws, you could definitely have any type of rail car you wanted on your property.

Getting it to you is the biggest challenge, however. You can probably find gondolas for sale right now. Paying to have a single car shipped to you can be a bit of a hassle because you're the exact kind of customer that most railroads don't want. They want volume, e.g. a rock plant getting 75 cars a day or some shit like that.
¨ R No.6338
Get it shipped to someone else's track nearby and then pay to get it trucked the last bit.

It's still going to cost more for the shipping than they car, most likely.
¨ R No.6340
As an example tidbit, when Age of Steam acquired their AT&N 2-10-0, they paid roughly $10,000 for the locomotive. Having it trucked from where it was to an active rail siding (approximately 4 miles away) to be loaded onto a flatcar and delivered by rail cost approximately $90,000.

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R No.6317  [Reply]
I love trainz

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R No.6111  [Reply]

Twelve Toronto streetcar tickets sunk on the Titanic and were unearthed decades later on the sandy floor of the Atlantic Ocean.

The tattered tickets, printed with streetcar illustrations and “Toronto” in block letters, were tucked into the wallet of Major Arthur Peuchen, a Toronto entrepreneur who was onboard the Titanic before it collided with an iceberg in 1912.

The entrepreneur was heading home from a meeting in London, when he boarded the luxury ship alongside other mega-wealthy “Astors and Guggenheims,” as Bunch put it.

At least 34 passengers on the Titanic were Canadian, he said. There was Harry Molson, inheritor of the Molson brewing empire, and Hudson Allison, one of Quebec’s most successful stock brokers.

On April 14, Peuchen was getting ready for bed around 11:30 p.m., when he felt what he thought was a heavy wave hitting the ship.

“I would simply have thought it was an unusual wave which had struck the boat; but knowing that it was a calm night and that it was an unusual thing to occur on a calm night, I immediately put my overcoat on and went up on deck,” Peuchen said, recalling the events of that fateful night during an inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic just months later.

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¨ R No.6310
theyre killing one of their surface rail systems and plan to compensate with urbanite subway lines over there. I dont like subway dystopias

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R No.6010  [Reply]  >>6307
– This Regioshuttle attempted multi-track drifting in April 2019 with little success.
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¨ R No.6139
It trainsistioned!
¨ R No.6292
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Dutch firefighters found a sure-fire way to troll the 'Net.
¨ R No.6307
only because there was someone there to see it, otherwise it wouldn't happen

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