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File: 1687904454019.jpg–(4.91KB, 189x144, download (1) (1).jpeg)
R No.6157  [Reply]
Look at this magnificent train right here. I want to know what real life train inspired it.
¨ R No.6165
Hard to say from a mangled thumbnail, but the first one I thought of was the Seibu 5000 "Red Arrow".
¨ R No.6169
This is the Anville Town train station in Pokemon Black and White.

I really like this train, and want to know more about what inspired it.
¨ R No.6178
From what I can tell of this...


... they are all Japanese. Yeah, big whoop of surprise. The game is Japanese, after all.

My guess is that they are based on Japan Rail types.

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R No.6151  [Reply]  >>6159, >>6166
smash or pass
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¨ R No.6166
That's a big guy
¨ R No.6174
¨ R No.6176
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R No.6095  [Reply]  >>6117, >>6124
What happens when you take the train from Troon to Trani?
15 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.6142  >>6143
Really? My reverse image search put it south of the border. Coatzacoalcos, Mexico to be exact. Though the owner is in Mobile, AL.
18.126338364907383, -94.41886734532261
¨ R No.6143
That could be the Mexican end of it. That operation runs from Mobile to Mexico in either case.
¨ R No.6177
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Troon before the fire (and also before Class 380s took over the Ayrshire coast).

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R No.6092  [Reply]
Why is it always so disgusting, I don't get why people don't clean up after themselves.
¨ R No.6122
You expect North Jersey scum to act civilized?

Embed: Lemon Demon - My Trains–(YouTube)
R No.6114  [Reply]  >>6116
all this fucking image board talks about is trains sooo ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (btw this is a good song)
¨ R No.6116
C'mon N' Ride It (The Train)–(YouTube)
Welcome Evan, don't be a jerk :3

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R No.6091  [Reply]
Follow your dreams, 1chan

(let's hope it posts right way up this time)
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¨ R No.6103
Hey, if it works for you, go for it. I wouldn't personally recommend going to a Class 1, but I don't know your specific situation. If nothing else, you can get your card and use that to move to a shortline with a better work/life balance if you want.

You are going to get a derailment eventually, and there's a pretty damn good chance that there is nothing you could possibly do to prevent it, especially if you work any industry spurs with shitty track. I've had about a dozen in just over two years now, and I couldn't have prevented any one of them.
¨ R No.6108  >>6109
Working the board sucks so much I just can't even fathom doing it anymore. It basically made me an alcoholic. I don't think I bought groceries for my first three years working on the railroad because of it. I either ate gas station food or drank at bars/restaurants.
¨ R No.6109
Very true. Every time I've worked the board, I've bought more fast food than I ever have before because wtf else are you supposed to do when you get a call at 0230 for a job that starts in a couple of hours? Better leave a little early so you can hit up that breakfast joint on the way in...

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R No.6040  [Reply]
How does everyone feel about the L? I'm moving to Chicago in August without a car.
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¨ R No.6088  >>6089
Asking to get robbed.
¨ R No.6089  >>6090
Fear mongering at its finest. I bet you won't even go to the mailbox without being strapped.
¨ R No.6090
If i lived in Chicago i wouldn't. At least have a car, criminals love public transport for whatever reason

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R No.5954  [Reply]
anyone who traveled inside the orient express? explain your experience to us.
Also, my dream is to go from london to venice inside the orient express
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¨ R No.6084
I suppose it's UIC loading gauge so 3,15 m outside width.
¨ R No.6086
¨ R No.6087
1683101530589.jpg–(186.77KB, 1200x803, 2008-01-30 15.54 The Pit of Jalai Nur.jpg)
I think i'd rather ride the trans-siberian. Though i'm sure a great service is provided in the orient, if you have the time and money, go for it!

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R No.6071  [Reply]
I'm volunteering at the Elevator Museum. Fear shelf with elevator parts and... WAIT A MINUTE. Proceed to take "elevator" part to Steve (who runs the place) and ask him if he knows what it is. He says he thinks it has something to do with holding down a car gate. I then explained to him what it is. Needless to say I'm bringing it to the right museum now.
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¨ R No.6074
Its a lock for a switch arm.
¨ R No.6076
It latches a switch handle down. You press down on the right pedal looking part with your foot to unlatch it. The circular hole on it towards the cthe is so you can keep the switch locked.
¨ R No.6079
Thirding the switch lock mechanism

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R No.6059  [Reply]
Apparently somebody at trains magazine doesn't think you can use a freight locomotive to haul passenger train. https://www.trains.com/mrr/how-to/prototype-railroads/you-cant-pull-passenger-tr

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¨ R No.6061  >>6062
Don't you also need a head-end power unit, or are the American passenger cars still powered by axle generators and oil heaters?

That said, the distinction is obviously mostly legal. In most of the rest of the world passenger-equipped locomotives happily moonlight as mainline freighters.
¨ R No.6062  >>6063
I just... I can't even begin to touch on his wrong this article is.

There aren't any axle powered generators still in use on regular service in the US, as far as I'm aware. However, despite the name "head end power", HEP generators can be mounted on any passenger car that has the physical space available, typically being underslung from the bottom of the frame. If the generator can provide enough power, it could power the entire consist; alternatively, you can have multiple cars with generators placed strategically through the consist providing power to sections of the consist.
¨ R No.6063
1682313068159.jpg–(177.42KB, 644x322, midnight-sun-express.jpg)

Up in Alaska, the cruise line cars all use their own gnesets because if they need HEP from the Alaska Railroad, the railroad charges them a bunch more. Consequently, your bacon and eggs come with a hint of diesel exhaust.

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