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File: 1680146676010.jpg–(495.56KB, 2016x908, CN Rail.jpg)
R No.6044  [Reply]
Rather thin on details.


CN police, RCMP investigating Monday train robbery in Brocklehurst

Mar 28, 2023

KAMLOOPS — Kamloops RCMP are assisting CN Rail police as they investigate a train robbery.

Spokesperson Cpl. Crystal Evelyn says RCMP were called just after 7:00 a.m. Monday (March 27). The incident took place at the junction of Tranquille Road and Ord Road in Brocklehurst.

It’s not known what was taken.

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¨ R No.6047  >>6049
Hearsay is they took switch keys. This could get weird.
¨ R No.6049  >>6050
I've broken plenty of shitty worn out locks with a hammer and a spike. If somebody REALLY wanted to throw a switch, the lack of keys wouldn't stop them.
¨ R No.6050
Oh yeah but I'm thinking more of the corporate response. Which is always rational and reasoned.

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R No.6035  [Reply]
Did the Toonerville trolley have an established route or did it vary as it was convenient for the cartoonist?

Embed: GTA… but with talking trains!!–(YouTube)
R No.6033  [Reply]

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R No.6019  [Reply]
What the fuck is NS doing?
Is this going to be enough to kill PSR or will they blame everything else and double down?
¨ R No.6020
They just issued a 10,000 ft limit or dpu as a result. They pulled one car off 224 in Princeton Indiana to follow the new guidelines.
¨ R No.6023
Those are funny looking tenders.

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R No.6013  [Reply]

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.6015
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Theyy're just mad that Ed Dickens is not Our Lord and Savior Stan Lee. Screw these asshats. I have paid for TO membership in the past, but it's not worth it to me anymore, hasn't been for years.
¨ R No.6016
I never took the crew over there as being a viscous bunch, but I guess they are sticky lot.
¨ R No.6017
>not railfare
ed, wtf

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R No.6004  [Reply]  >>6007
How common of a phenomenon is this?
¨ R No.6007

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R No.5850  [Reply]
¨ R No.5998
The problem with sleepers in Japan is that the operators have all figured out you should charge an arm and a leg to much fewer people then just some (((regulated))) fare to fill up the place.

The new "cruise"-style trains feature literal suites, whereas these old sleeper bunks are hostel-tier

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R No.5990  [Reply]
New here, sorry if this has been brought up before, but what do we think of Francis Bourgeois bloke? The reviewbrah of trains.

¨ R No.5991  >>5992
Disgenuine socmed influencer crap.
¨ R No.5992
idk seems like a young aspiring autist to me
¨ R No.5995
This dude always weirds me out

Embed: Mandy Patinkin Justifies Buying More Toy Trains–(YouTube)
R No.5983  [Reply]

¨ R No.5986  >>5988
Thaddy did you know this? How did I not know this?!
¨ R No.5988

I mean I knew he liked trains but LOL this is great!

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R No.5981  [Reply]
i HOPE this is the right chan to ask, but what is the connection between sally and trains?

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