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File: 1713711261767.png–(556.99KB, 933x1200, z.png)
R No.6598
is there still manual post approval on this board
¨ R No.6600
¨ R No.6607  >>6608
1714088116732.jpg–(474.58KB, 1200x819, 3049.1368012955.jpg)
Unfortunately, but it keeps the spam at bay. Imageboards and textboards still get bombarded with spam in 2024. They don't even need to be well known. If you installed Wakaba or tinyib on a server and left it alone for a year, it would be filled with so much spam you would have to nuke the server just to get rid of it - and hope you don't get arrested because people love to post links to CP and gore or upload images of it on seemingly abandoned boards.

It's not a big deal though, since the board is so slow in the first place, even if the mod immediately approved the post it would probably be 12-24+ hours until some random anon opens up 1chan to see it anyway.
¨ R No.6608  >>6614
1714105078189.png–(589.67KB, 1224x2700, Screenshot_20240425-231629.png)
Case in point, I just deleted this about two minutes before posting this reply. It was actually a nice chance of pace from the usual spam.
¨ R No.6614  >>6616
what happened to banners?
¨ R No.6616  >>6618
I couldn't tell you, to be frank. That's a better question for the admin. I'll shoot him a text and see if he has some time to drop by and chime in.
¨ R No.6618
Does he still use some homebrewn email solution gmail refuses to deliver?

Communication with him has been terribly one-sided :(
Considering how long it took to fix the tmp full issue, he's been moderately busy.

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