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File: 1712355246779.jpg–(161.61KB, 900x900, hoboshoestring.jpg)
R No.6575
In case anyone is not up to date on the story you can google Hobo Shoestring Mark Nichols. JCPD and the TBI are set to hold a press conference either later today or tomorrow and the search has been called off. A fisherman has discovered a body in the lake by Hobo's house earlier today.
¨ R No.6578  >>6579, >>6583
Wasn't there some other youtube hobo guy that died riding trains?
¨ R No.6579

Shoestring was old and rickety but he seemed like an alright fellow. Rest in peace.
¨ R No.6583  >>6609
RIP Shoestring

Stobe, he got killed in the Baltimore area in Nov 2017
Last I heard the story was he got dragged or fell while crossing an overpass, not actually riding
Anyone know any details?
¨ R No.6609
Oh I remember hearing about him going missing and was worried something had happened. A few days later, I was watching a Jaw Tooth video on YouTube and he mentioned that he unfortunately died.

Sad news. He always seemed like an interesting man. Seemed really humble, was a good father and just had a lot of great knowledge and history to share about railroads.


I don't think anyone knows for certain what caused Stobe's death, but it's most commonly said that he got a bit too close to an Amtrak train and his backpack got caught, which resulted in him being pulled towards the train. It's possible that he was intoxicated because as genuinely intelligent and talented as that guy was, he had heavy substance abuse problems. Riding trains - even being near trains - while drunk is not a good idea, especially when you've got a heavy and bulky backpack and other supplies with you. It's far too easy to get killed while sober and freight hopping, so being intoxicated only makes the risk increase. I've freight hopped a bit and almost never bring alcohol. It just isn't worth the risk of being maimed, paralyzed, put into a coma or being killed.

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