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R No.6371  >>6377, >>6378
Train anons, what do you think about this build? Is it missing anything? Can it be improved?
¨ R No.6377
I would have preferred it had more of a classic space color theme. A few references to Star Wars would have been nice too. The lack of multiculturalism is a bit disappointing. I think Lego could do better. A train that doesn’t run on green energy is a bit outdated but I do support the public transportation aspect of it.
¨ R No.6378
The current thing right now is the suffering of the LGBTQ+ community in Gaza. If Lego can’t work that into a train set they have no right to be in business in todays climate. Do better Lego. I also find the term “Oriental Express” to be offensive and racist.
¨ R No.6383
The side rods should be dark grey or black to emulate grime and match the undercarriage
I very much like that they included a second passenger car this time (cf. emerald night)
Interested to see how this engine does in corners
¨ R No.6408
Bought one the moment the Lego store opened today. I don't really care how good it is or isn't, it's a Train made by Lego that isn't one of their garbage City trains, it has my attention. There are already people modding it to be powered (Lego attempted this, but it didn't meet their performance requirements, so it isn't "officially" able to be powered) and if I don't like the locomotive, I'll just build something else with it.

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