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File: 1699909273694.jpg–(3.35MB, 4032x3024, somewhere in tallinn.jpg)
R No.6357
Will the ever so slow decline ever stop?

What ever new that gets built is a drop in the ocean compared to what is still being lost. In particular, there is hardy any new freight, no provisions for rail freight in the future. Definitely no new corridors. Just high speed pork more than anything else.
¨ R No.6363
Freight is in a fine position. It's just that it has become more efficient than it used to be. No need for a bunch of slow as hell short line railroads hauling crap small distances when a truck can do it just fine. The usual mainlines haul as much freight as ever. Again, it's already extremely efficient. No need for new corridors because we already figured out what the best ones are and which make most economical sense to keep using.

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