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R No.6188
Is the Japan Rail Pass over? As of October 2023, prices nearly double as pic related. You don't need to understand Japanese to see the old price on the left hand column, and the new price on the right hand column. JR press release: https://japanrailpass.net/pdf/JRP_pressrelease_230414.pdf

My local JTB (largest Japanese travel agency and authorized Japan Rail Pass retailer) told me it's possible to buy one on the last day of Sept, wait the maximum 3 months to activate it, and then use it to my heart's content. Japanese nationals must show permanent residence outside of Japan and demonstrate they've lived at least 10 years out of the country.

I've bought it twice before about 15 and 10 years ago. Where would you go if you could go on any JR line? Touristy (nee Joyful) trains are so much more popular now and they're delightful to see everywhere in the country.
¨ R No.6278
It's over

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