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R No.6184  >>6185, >>6195
Ay so wtf is even the difference between coal and diesel engines, they both make lots of heat and go fast.
¨ R No.6185
diesel is mid tbh
¨ R No.6187
You can roll coal in a diesel, but you can't roll diesel in a coal
¨ R No.6189  >>6193
While diesel locomotives do exist they're actually very rare. Almost every locomotive today is electric. The main difference between modern locomotives is how they get their electricity. What most people call a diesel locomotive is an electric locomotive with a diesel generator.
¨ R No.6193
By your logic a draisine and a locomotive with a mechanical transmission are the same.
Also, almost all 'mechanical' powertains do have a hydraulic clutch and many 'hydraulics' have mechanical range selectors.
¨ R No.6195
>>6184 – Coal-powered engines generate a lot more nostalgia as a byproduct than diesel-powered engines do.

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