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File: 1678330991157.jpg–(174.46KB, 1320x940, RL multitrack drifting.jpg)
R No.6010  >>6307
– This Regioshuttle attempted multi-track drifting in April 2019 with little success.
¨ R No.6021
Yes, it's happened many, many, many times throughout history. Wherever there is a facing point switch, there is the potential. Some car designs can handle it better than others, though.
¨ R No.6024  >>6139
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A Czech railbus dreamed of becoming a road bus.
¨ R No.6027
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The Police locomotive came to exist for a British Rail ad campaign.
¨ R No.6132
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Somewhere in France, in early May or so, the diesel locomotice BB 67558, the steam locomotive 140C27 and the EMU PSE16 (which made 280 km/h back in 1981) were caught on the go.
¨ R No.6139
It trainsistioned!
¨ R No.6292
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Dutch firefighters found a sure-fire way to troll the 'Net.
¨ R No.6307
only because there was someone there to see it, otherwise it wouldn't happen

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