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R No.5846
>[email protected]
Is this address ever checked? I'm permanently IP-banned for no reason (happened when half of the board was nuked, probably included my IP range by accident). I sent two email appeals, no answer after a month. Please...
¨ R No.5849
I'll shoot Mike a message and see what we can do. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
¨ R No.5883  >>5902
3 months? 4 months now? Having to use tor to post is a hassle.
¨ R No.5902  >>5911
Mike says he replied to you with some specific instructions. Check for that email and return to us.
¨ R No.5911  >>5913
Nope, not me at least. Maybe he replied to someone else.
¨ R No.5913  >>5917
It is a also possible that your 1chan mail got misclassified as junk mail and thrown to that folder that gets auto-emptied regularly.

tl;dr: "Email's a big club..." And the reason it is so decent these days is that the big boys just drop incoming mail not from among theirselves on the floor.
¨ R No.5914
>drop incoming mail not from among theirselves on the floor

Also, for the record, intercontinental SMS is not reliable at all, phone subscriptions do have limitations on foreign SMS.
¨ R No.5917  >>5942
I checked all folders. Nothing from 1chan.

I sent two appeals, one in October and one in November, from protonmail. My address starts with 'a'.

Thanks for looking into it, Tex.
¨ R No.5938
Checked again today, still nothing. Whatever, I'll just post from tor.
¨ R No.5942  >>5945
I think I know the issue.
Are you using gmail?
They now completely reject e-mail from domains that do not have at least an SPF record.
¨ R No.5945
>and one in November, from protonmail.
oh wait...
(although the gmail thing still is true)

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