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File: 1667453402857.jpg–(2.72MB, 4608x2592, 1667429806417403.jpg)
R No.5791
¨ R No.5792
¨ R No.5794
¨ R No.5795  >>5799, >>5800
1667529509022.jpg–(1.00MB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20221103-193352_Firefox.jpg)
>"A combination of a misaligned switch — apparently left open.."

Looks closed to me. I guess he also didn't notice the white target on the switch stand. :^/

At least the boiler wasn't punctured.
¨ R No.5796
I saw this the day it happened, and I was going to post here about it with the video, but I couldn’t get a direct download of the video, and people were saying that Strasburg was having VRF remove YouTube reuploads while they investigated. There might be some videos out there, it’s worth a watch. Definitely a cavalcade of fuck ups, though thankfully the damage is relatively minor
¨ R No.5799  >>5800
Looks like it's lined straight into the crane right there. There's no gap in the points. The crane arm also looks really close to fouling the other track even if it were lined to the left. Do you have a link to the video?
¨ R No.5800
1667589355474.png–(81.78KB, 674x841, SRCstatement11222.png)

Here's both angles of the crash. Strasburg is out of their minds if they think they can keep these off the internet. That said, their statement on the accident was VERY well written (see picture).


The switch was indeed lined straight into the trackhoe, left that way by MOW crews. The steam engine crew likely didn't notice because A: they're usually waving to the people on the train during the runaround, and B: that switch has been closed the last 10,000 times they've done this.
¨ R No.5810  >>5811
1667881664389.jpg–(156.29KB, 800x539, NW800.jpg)
Look who's already back in action!
¨ R No.5811
Dammit, you beat me to it!

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