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File: 1666848139788.jpg–(181.71KB, 1274x704, nuke-train.jpg)
R No.5783
This is how the human race, or the world might end.

In an event of global thermonuclear war destroying a majority of the surface of the world, what remains of the human race will battle it out via armored trains. Think about it.

Everyone will live on the train. Society and the government will be entirely on a train. As you may know however, a train can launch missiles. This is one scenario ultimately of how the world or the human race could realistically end.

When I ran this scenario I realized how futuristic this "final war" of humanity could be as it would require or most likely involve strategic satellite images (for launching the nuke or other weapons) and other technology potentially. Many also live underground, as a majority of the surface world is contaminated with radiation, except inside the battle trains.

The battle trains can even transform into robots, and fly, or go underwater, but it depends on what kind of battle train it is. When I really thought about it, this is the only logical/rational development forward of trains.
¨ R No.5815
Do you have any mockups of the battle trains you can share?

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