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R No.5742
What does /rail/ think of the Alaska to Alberta Railway? https://a2arail.com

The idea is to connect the Alaska Railroad to the contiguous United States via Canada https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Railroad#Proposed_connection_to_the_contigu

¨ R No.5743
Never going to happen because of environmental and native push back. Also little point since there's almost no market for it. There's nothing up there, man. It'd be a huge waste of money when you can just barge it to an Alaskan port for way less.
¨ R No.5747
A pipe dream if you ask me. The idea seems to get floated around every few years. Feels almost like it's a pump-and-dump scheme. The ROI on such a massive investment I would assume take decades. And in todays business environment it seems to me that greedy investors want paybacks measured in months.
¨ R No.5753  >>5768
If it did exist, would you get on it?
¨ R No.5768
Hell yes! I think visiting Alaska from the Mainland via rail would be an incredible trip. What's not depicted is that you'd be going through the Canadian Rockies.

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