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R No.5740  >>5777
Might be of some interest to some?

¨ R No.5744
A heavy site for an old thinkpad.

It leaves out major railways in 100 km view and anyhing below that is more or less squinting. Maybe it's a projection issue, 60 th latitude and all that. Delightfully it does seem know where the kilometer signs are, when you get really close and shows the prevailing kilometer from Helsinki in the slightly more reasonable scale. In America it's all company names and lots of "no information".
¨ R No.5777  >>5818
Hey, I helped to make some of this! It's just the rail layers from Open Street Map. Remember how they told you not to trace...? I traced.
¨ R No.5781
I actually use this for foaming, research, and even work! My only complaint is how inconsistent the abandoned rails layer can be. But it gives pretty detailed info on existing rail infrastructure. They're populating the mainline data now with attributes like max speeds and signaling which I'd like to see more of.
¨ R No.5818  >>5819
did you know that the lines on horsehoe curve were traced, but not from google maps?

they were traced from train simulator, which was traced from google earth imagery.

or so the story goes
¨ R No.5819
I didn't know that but it makes sense. I only did local stuff, that I could verify or already knew. I didn't want to trace incorrect info.

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