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File: 1662089967502.jpg–(146.13KB, 800x485, rfr-spsf-04.jpg)
R No.5691
Is SPSF the greatest failure in American Railroading? It can't still be right? Who has had a worse merger or attempt since them.
¨ R No.5692  >>5694
UP-SP was worse because it actually happened and ruined every potential merger for over 20 years.
¨ R No.5693  >>5694
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I don't know what criteria you're using to arrive at this conclusion, but I would argue that the Penn Central debacle wipes the floor with the ol Shouldn't Paint So Fast.
¨ R No.5694  >>5697
Good point... How the hell was UP-SP approved? I know the trackage rights were as conflicting as SPSF, but still.

By failure, I'm talking in the sense of a grand scheme, plan laid out, and then it just goes to pot. Either the merger fails, or the company fails. Penn Central is a good example, but don't they predate SPSF?
¨ R No.5697  >>5705

The first piece of your question asks if SPSF is/was the greatest failure of all, and to that I say no, PC was definitely worse.
¨ R No.5705  >>5706
In defense of PC, from what I understand management was purposely trying to kill the company, and as soon as the govt got involved through Conrail, it began immediately turning around.
¨ R No.5706
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A fresh thread? in MY 1chan??


In terms of failure, it depends on how you define it. Failed merger or railroad that just went belly-up, because I come to argue that the Milwaukee Road's shenanigans are a pretty big failure. I recommend the book The Nation Pays Again by Thomas Ploss.
¨ R No.5707  >>5729
>failed SP-SF merger
the pre-merger holding company stripped the SP quite effectively of everything but the railroad operating assets
¨ R No.5729  >>5769
Making them effectively, a railroad!
¨ R No.5769
Or more effectively a pre-merger partner for UP.

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