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R No.5562
Here's an old picture of a train I took while at the capital of my country, what's the thing on the back?
¨ R No.5563  >>5564
Looks like the locomotive to me, champ.
¨ R No.5564  >>5565
No,the other end.
¨ R No.5565  >>5567
You need to circle whatever it is, because I have no idea what you are looking at.
¨ R No.5567
The little light purple cart
¨ R No.5568  >>5587, >>5590
I take it that it's the half-cut-off thing at the right edge. If so, I would hazard my guess that it is a bookshop/newspaper stand.
¨ R No.5587
¨ R No.5590
Thats it

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